Lokhos is a non-profit association, founded in March 2019 and recognised as a charitable institution of public benefit.
It receives support from private foundations and donors, but continues to seek further funding to ensure its survival.
Thanks to this financial support, Centre qap opened its doors in June 2020, occupying a welcoming 550 square-metre space on one level.
The idea came together in 2018 when parents of children with special needs, doctors and therapists decided to join forces to create a multidisciplinary centre offering traditional and innovative therapies and serving the south-western part of Switzerland. It has close links to Swiss hospitals, and is resolutely forward-looking in terms of robot-assisted therapy and virtual reality.
In cooperation with the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) and the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) it is planned to establish treatment protocols to allow data to be gathered and eventually finance research projects.
The founding members of the Association:
Gabrielle Boetsch, President
Dr Finn Mahler, Secretary
Arnaud Boetsch, Treasurer
Marie Bouchardy
Dr Jean-Yves Corajod
Dr Geraldo de Coulon
Maître Pascal Aeby
Why “qap”?
Where does the word “qap” come from? It is a different take on the French word “cap”, which signifies a place to set your sights on, a new perspective, a milestone. And “qap” is like the last syllable of the word “handicap” – at which we are thumbing our noses. The q and the p, depicted as mirror images of each other, are like two crutches or pillars to lean on and pull yourself up to look beyond the handicap. It is also a nod to the expression, “t’es cap?” or in other words: “Ready to try?”.