Tomatis Method Therapist
Passionate about language, I worked for a number of years in teaching and special education with children, adolescents and adults presenting a handicap.
With an initial degree in Communication from the University of Lugano (USI, 2002), I furthered my knowledge of the human body with a Bachelor in Psychology/Speech and Language Therapy from the University of Geneva, followed by a Certificate in the Teaching of Lipreading and Auditory Re-education (Ecole d’Etudes Sociales et Pédagogiques, Lausanne, 2016).
I then trained as a Tomatis Audio-Psycho-Phonology practitioner (Certificate in Audio-Psycho-Phonology per Tomatis principles, Mozart Brain Lab, Belgium, 2018), a method of auditory brain stimulation through listening to filtered classical music and the mother’s voice to improve or maintain a person’s sensorimotor, emotional, and cognitive abilities.
For the last two years, I have been working with individuals and groups of children, adolescents and adults with developmental disorders and/or language and learning difficulties.
At Centre qap, my aim is to work intensively towards precise goals decided together with the child, his or her family, teachers and/or therapists.
The Tomatis Method is recognised in Switzerland by most supplementary health insurance schemes, ASCA (Swiss Foundation for Alternative Medicine) and RME (Register of Empirical Medicine).